Global Revenue Management Study 2023 Third Edition

Accelerating Revenue Growth Management maturity in a "disruption-as-normal" world

November 16, 2023

Global Revenue Management Study 2023

This year marks the 3rd edition of The Global Revenue Growth Management Study by XTEL, highlighting how three years of unrest have impacted performance and priorities among FMCG’s; revealing their perspectives on retail partners, the current and future state of the industry, as well as on their own evolving objectives and priorities.

We invite you to read about revenue management in the study pages and hope the emerging insights combined with our expert recommendations will inspire you to consider how to improve and accelerate your organisation’s RGM journey.

Enjoy your reading!

Suzana Dias

Included in this study:

  • Navigating persistent disruption in 2022
  • The 2024 horizon
  • RGM and FMCG’s
  • The RGM digitalisation journey
  • The RGM future outlook
  • A focus on TPM in 2023

Please contact us if you wish to further discuss this study’s findings and learn how XTEL can help your organisation to reframe, retool and reset holistic revenue growth management practices, capabilities, and tools for profitable growth and success.

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Upfield Client Success story

Accelerating profitable growth with consistent and coordinated processes and systems into a holistic RGM approach.

Upfield success story